[MEI Insights Series] Call For Papers: The Middle East Goes to Space – National Space Programmes and Their Regional Implications

In recent years, Middle Eastern governments have raised their profile in the field of space activities. The UAE and Saudi Arabia have sent astronauts to the International Space Station, and both made space exploration a major pillar of their post-oil economy. These projects are captivating Arab populations, reminding us of the enduring fascination with space, and its appeal for national pride. In addition to these economic and social trends, space is also a critical component of military strategies in the region, as reflected by Iran’s ballistic missile programme, or Israel’s air defence systems.

Against that backdrop, the Middle East Institute at the National University of Singapore is calling for proposals (of not more than 250 words) for papers for a new Insights Series dedicated to the latest developments in Middle East Space Programmes, which will be published in 2024.

Photo: Emirates News Agency

Specifically, the edited volume aims to discuss the various dimensions – be they political, economic, military, cultural – of space programmes launched by Arab countries, as well as Israel, and Iran.

Some of the questions driving the project include:

  • What are the primary motivations behind national space programmes in the Middle East?
  • How do those programmes support military strategies?
  • Who are the main public and private actors involved in the decision-making?
  • Is there a distinct trajectory of national space programmes in the Middle East, compared to those in Asia or Europe?
  • To what extent, if any, can these programmes spur regional cooperation?
  • What are the expected economic outcomes of these programmes?

Submission topics include, but need not be confined to:

  • The History of Space Programmes in the Middle East
  • The Geopolitics of Middle East Programmes: For instance, space cooperation with External Powers (US, India, China…); Space Strategies in the Middle East; Middle Eastern Military Organisations in Space; Impact on Economic Sanctions on Space Programmes;
  • The Economics of Middle East Space Programmes: For instance, Economic Diversification & Gulf Space Programmes; Space Investments & the Quest for Knowledge-based Economies in the Middle East;
  • Social Dimensions: Space Programmes as a form of “techno-nationalism” in the Middle East; Arab Astronauts as Local Heroes;

Contributions can either be designed as case studies (e.g. The Development of the UAE Space Programme; Saudi Arabia’s Space Policy) or thematic contributions (e.g. The Space Dimension of Israel-Iran Conflict; Private-Public Cooperation in Middle East Space Programmes; National Pride and Space Programmes in the Middle East..).

The project will involve two major phases:

  • By 1 March 2024: Selected contributors are expected to submit their drafts (2,500-3,000 words) to the Middle East Institute;
  • By 15 July 2024: After receiving reviews from the MEI editorial team, contributors are expected to submit their revised and final drafts into 3,000-word papers.


We are inviting interested persons to submit proposals (not more than 250 words) clearly outlining their main arguments, in either prose or point form, or both. These should reach us by 15 October 2023. 

 Upon the approval for publication of the final paper, an honorarium of SG$250 will be paid.

 If you have further queries, please email the series editor: Dr. Jean-Loup Samaan / meijcbs@nus.edu.sg

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