[MEI Salon Series] Resistance, Rebellion & Revolution | A Libyan Artist in Exile — Hasan ‘Alsatoor’ Dhaimish (1955–2016)


In 2011, almost 42 years of dictatorial rule came crashing down on Libya’s Muammar el Qaddafi, as revolution swept across the country. Alsatoor (The Cleaver), a Libyan satirist in exile in the UK, had been criticising the regime for decades through his cartoons. Once Qaddafi fell, his work didn’t stop there. Libya tumbled into chaos and civil war, while Alsatoor pushed on for political and social change until he passed away in 2016.

Coinciding with the Libyan revolution’s 10th anniversary, this event is a reflection of the life and works of Hasan ‘Alsatoor’ Dhaimish (1955–2016), and an exploration of contemporary Libyan culture and history.

Through satire and art spanning from the 1980s to 2016, attendees will experience Libya’s transition from autocracy to liberation and civil war through Alastoor’s work. Hosted by the artist’s son, Mr Sherif Dhaimish, the talk will be aired from London and will be apart of the forthcoming exhibition, “Resistance, Rebellion & Revolution — A Libyan Artist in Exile”, Hoxton 253, and will feature some of the show’s video installations and artworks.

Mr Dhaimish will delve into his father’s life in exile and his eclectic body of work — from depictions of pre-Qaddafi Libya, to satirical cartoons, and paintings inspired by blues and jazz — while offering an insight to Libya’s modern history.

To conclude, Mr Dhaimish will discuss the artist’s legacy, and introduce a new wave of Libyan art that celebrates and preserves culture.

This public talk will be conducted online via Zoom on 17 February (Wednesday), from 6.00pm to 7.30pm (SGT). All are welcome to participate. An e-invite will be sent to you closer to the event date.

This event is free, however, registration is compulsory.

Image Caption: Sketch of Libya by Hasan Dhaimish

Listen to the full event here:

Watch the full event here:

About the Speakers
Sherif Dhaimish
Curator and Publisher,

Mr Sherif Dhaimish is a curator and publisher based in southeast London. Originally from Lancashire, England, he has lived and worked in London for the last seven years. Before that, he was an English teacher in Daegu, South Korea, and has written for several international publications on a range of topics.

Mr Dhaimish has a BA in communications from the University of Leeds and an MA in critical methodologies from King’s College London. He lives with his girlfriend Sarah, a writer and yoga teacher, and their dog Toto.

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