S R Nathan Distinguished Lecture 2023

The aim of the S R Nathan Distinguished Lecture is to provide greater awareness and understanding of the modern Middle East. This lecture provides a forum for statesmen, internationally prominent scholars and public intellectuals to express their views on key issues. The lecture series is named in honour of Singapore’s late former president, Mr S R Nathan, who encouraged a deeper understanding of the Middle East region in Singapore.

This year’s distinguished speaker, General (Ret.) David H. Petraeus, served in the US military for 37 years, including several combat commands.

Following his retirement from the US Army, General Petraeus served as director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). During his tenure, the CIA made significant achievements in the global war on terror, established important digital initiatives, and made significant investments in the agency’s most important asset – its human capital.

This year’s format featured a conversation between MEI’s Chairman, Mr Bilahari Kausikan and General Petraeus.

This event was conducted both in-person and online via Zoom on Wednesday, 13 December from 10.00am to 11.30am (SGT). 

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