Malik R Dahlan

Professor Malik Dahlan is a prominent Arabian multijurisdictional qualified lawyer and one of the leading international regulatory law and public policy experts in the Middle East. He is Chaired Professor of International Law and Public Policy at Queen Mary University of London, and a senior research fellow at the Rand Europe.

He has authored several books including The Hijaz: The First Islamic State by Oxford University Press. As a senior mediation fellow at Harvard, he built out a Peace Mediation Support Group to explore pressing current global negotiation topics such as Jerusalem negotiations. He is an expert on Investor-State Dispute System and the Belt and Road Initiative. He is a trustee of the British Institute for International and Comparative Law and an Advisory Board member of the Institute for Legal and Constitutional Research at the University of St Andrews.

Professor Dahlan practiced regulatory law for 15 years across many sectors including energy, defence, trade, government affairs, rule of law among others. His experience in renewable energy extends beyond legal practice into investment and entrepreneurship, as he owned the Gulf’s first private renewable energy company.

In parallel to his academic work, Professor Dahlan is the Principal of Institution Quraysh for Law & Policy (iQ). He is a CEDR accredited mediator, and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Professor Dahlan obtained his LLD in Law and Public Policy from Al-Azhar University. He completed three Harvard University master’s degrees and earned his LLB from the University of Jordan.