Michael Hudson Discusses New Egyptian President on 938LIVE

Earlier this week, MEI Director Professor Michael Hudson gave an interview to 938LIVE’s Mok Fei Fei about Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s new president. Topics discussed included the switch from a military to a civilian president—albeit with the question of whether Egypt’s military leaders (the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, or SCAF) will relinquish control. SCAF’s recent actions suggest that, at least for now, the military is holding fast to power via such actions as annulling parliament and stripping many of the president’s powers. Professor Hudson also spoke about Morsi’s foreign and domestic policy, and voiced the hope that domestically he will “reach out to the vast number of Egyptians who do not belong to the Muslim Brotherhood and who do not believe in Islamist politics, but who at the same time did not want to see a return to the military dictatorship.”

To listen to the interview in full, please click here. (Mok Fei Fei begins by asking Professor Hudson whether the announcement of the new president spells a new dawn for the country.)