[Transsystemic Law] Placing the History of “Targeted Killing” in the Middle East

(This event was organised by MEI’s Transsystemic Law Research Cluster, as part of its quarterly public talks series.)


Drone strikes are one of the most ubiquitous aspects of 21st Century Western counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism efforts and has been extensively implemented in Middle Eastern countries. This lecture described the emergence of this practice by linking it to Western assassinations going all the way back to mid- 20th century decolonisation struggles. The claim by intervening states today is that the practice is in keeping with the rules and principles of international law. The lecture sought to understand this claim from the vantage point of achievements in the previous century when territorial integrity and political independence was claimed and recognised, and the non-use of force regime extended, developed and celebrated by post-colonial states in the Middle East and beyond.

About the Speakers
Dr. Markus Gunneflo
Faculty of Law, Lund University (Sweden)

Markus Gunneflo teaches at the Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden. His research is focused on the theory and history of international law and his monograph Targeted Killing: A Legal and Political History was published by Cambridge University Press in 2016. His current long-term projects include one on the Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy entitled ‘The Tragedy of Humanitarian Feminism’ and another on space law tentatively entitled ‘Decolonizing Space: International Law for a New World’.

Event Details

MEI Conference Room, Level 6
Block B, 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119620

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