Transformation of Saudi Arabia: Can MBS’ Economic and Religious Reforms Succeed?


Saudi Arabia is in the midst of one of the most important political, social and economic transformations in its modern history. A young leader has emerged, Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, and he aims to diversify the kingdom’s economy, liberalize its society and turn the country into a regional hegemon that is able to challenge Iran’s influence. This talk will discuss the elements of this transformation and its chances of success.

About the Speakers
Professor Bernard Haykel
Near Eastern Studies
Princeton University

Bernard Haykel is a scholar of the Arabian Peninsula, focusing on the politics, economics and history of Saudi Arabia, the other Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC), and Yemen. He is professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University where he is also the acting chair of the department. In addition, he is director of the Institute for the Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East and the Program in Near Eastern Studies. He has led Princeton’s Project on Oil, Energy and the Middle East. Professor Haykel is the author of “Revival and Reform in Islam,” and most recently the co-editor of “Saudi Arabia in Transition,” both published by Cambridge University Press. He is considered an authority on Islamist political movements and Islamic law and is the author of numerous articles on the politics of Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Salafism, al-Qaeda and ISIS. Professor Haykel has supervised over 10 PhD dissertations that treat Arabian politics and history and he has received several prominent awards, such as the Prize Fellowship at Magdalen College, Oxford, the Carnegie Corporation and Guggenheim fellowships and the Old Dominion Professorship at Princeton. Professor Haykel has advised the U.S., British, Saudi Arabian and Qatari governments and appears frequently in print and broadcast media, including PBS, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Project Syndicate and the BBC among others. He earned his doctorate from the University of Oxford.

Event Details

Carlton Hall, Level 2
York Hotel, 21 Mount Elizabeth,
Singapore 228516

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