The Middle East Tilt to Asia


For three millennia, the attentions of the Middle East have swayed from East to West and back again as the region has shaped and been shaped by global political and economic trends. The current tilt toward Asia – which is already underway – is about both an energy-hungry Asia as well as Asia’s new strength in trade, technical capabilities and investment resources. Tony Nash will look at how Northeast Asian energy demands and outbound investment are changing the landscape and relationships in the region.

About the Speakers
Tony Nash, CEO and Chief Strategist, Complete Intelligence

Tony Nash is CEO and Chief Strategist at Complete Intelligence. Tony also serves as Senior Advisor for International Economic Policy at the American Council for Capital Formation based in Washington DC, he’s an international advisory board member for Texas A&M University, and he is a non-executive director with Kredit Microfinance Bank in Cambodia and Tamarind Energy in Malaysia.

As a thought leader on economics and risk, Tony is a frequent public speaker and a facilitator of strategic discussions with business and government leaders. He is a contributor to leading global media which include regular sessions on CNBC, Bloomberg, BBC, Nikkei and Al Jazeera. He is a key facilitator for regional economic and industry forums and closed-door corporate executive and government dialogues.

Tony has a longstanding track record of creating, inspiring, motivating and leading culturally diverse teams in developed and developing markets across EMEA, North America and Asia. He has worked with multinational clients on management consultancy engagements including national economic transformation plans, market entry strategies, due diligence and cross border transactions. Previously, Tony built and led the global research and consulting business for The Economist (EIU) where he managed revenue targets, built the global brand, restructured the operation and initiated their first Asia acquisition (ClearState). He has also been a social entrepreneur, media entrepreneur, writer and consultant.

Tony has a Masters degree in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy at Tufts University and a BA in Business Management from Texas A&M University.

Event Details

MEI Conference Room, Level 6 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Block B #06-06 Singapore 119620

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