Singapore Business Federation – Middle East Institute MENA Insights Series – Updates in Iraq


SBF’s Middle East Business Group (MEBG) and NUS’ Middle East Institute jointly presents this MENA Insights Seminar Series on the Republic of Iraq. This is the second of the quarterly series of lectures that is jointly organized by the two organizations.

This seminar will highlight the current political and economic environment in Iraq as the country embarks on massive reconstruction efforts following many years of war. Gain insights on the potential of Iraq and the trade and investment opportunities available to your companies. Understand the types of risks that companies will face when operating in the country and learn how to overcome them.

To view event programme, please CLICK HERE

About the Speakers
Professor Ali Allawi

Ali A. Allawi is a writer, biographer and former government minister in Iraq. He received his education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Harvard University. He served in the World Bank group for a number of years before founding his own investment firm. Following the changes in Iraq in 2003, he served as the Minister of Trade, and then the first civilian Minister of Defence. In 2005 he was elected to the Constituent Assembly of Iraq and then served as Minister of Finance. In 2007, he left public service to pursue scholarly and academic interests. He has authored four books including The Occupation of Iraq (Yale: 2007) and The Crisis of Islamic Civilisation (Yale: 2009). His book Faisal I of Iraq will be issued in September 2013 (Yale). It will be the first comprehensive biography of this seminal figure set against the formative years of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the founding of the state system in the Middle East. At various times, Ali Allawi has been associated with Oxford University (Senior Associate Member); University of Exeter (Fellow); Princeton University (Fellow); and Harvard University (Fellow). He has made numerous media appearances, and his articles and essays have appeared in major international journals and newspapers. He is the recipient of several public policy and diplomacy awards, and his books have garnered prizes. He is currently working on a book on the economic history of the modern Arab/Islamic worlds.

Event Details

SBF Seminar Room
SBF Seminar Room 2,
Keppel Towers, Level 21
10 Hoe Chiang Rd,
Singapore 089315

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