[Political Economy] Are People Losing Faith and Hope in the Government of “Prudence and Hope”?

(This event was organised by MEI’s Political Economy Research Cluster, as part of its quarterly public talks series.)


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is under a heightened pressure from both hardliners and people, despite some progresses that his administration’s made over the last five years in the office. In this lecture, the speaker first examined the economic legacy of his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and then compared it with the economic policy and performance of the new government in office to see whether he had been able to keep its promises in injecting new impetus into the Iranian economy, which was suffering from structural imbalances and eight years of misguided populist policies under, as well as from external sanctions. Participants also saw how far the conflict over resources may develop in future considering the path of main factors and drivers of macroeconomic trends.

About the Speakers
Dr Mehrdad Sepahvand
Senior Economic Advisor
Central Bank of Iran

Mehrdad Sepahvand is a senior economic advisor to the central bank of Iran. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Nottingham. His career began in England lecturing at both Nottingham Business School and Leeds Business School for several years. He has more than two decades of experience in the financial services and banking industry spanning investment strategy, corporate governance and risk management at senior management level. Before joining CBI, Dr Sepahvand was director of foreign investment department of the NDFI, Iranian sovereign wealth fund with over $60 billion in assets. He occasionally lectures on Corporate Governance, Asset and Liability Management and Liquidity Management for bankers and financial managers.

Event Details

MEI Conference Room, Level 6
Block B, 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119620

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