Middle East Studies and the Middle East Today: A Two-Part International Colloquium

The Middle East Institute of the National University of Singapore is honoured to host nine world-renowned scholars in Middle East Studies for a two-part International Colloquium to discuss, in session one, “The State of Middle East Studies, with Special Reference to Asia”; and in session two, “The Middle East in 2013: On the Brink?” Both sessions are open to the public.

The roster of experts includes professors from prominent Middle East Studies programs around the world: from Japan, China, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. They will be joined in session II by Singapore-based scholars from the Middle East Institute.

Session I, “Middle East Studies Today, with Special Reference to Asia” will cover hot topics in the scholarly community, including: Disciplines vs. Area Studies; Middle East Studies After the Arab Uprisings, Scholarly Convergences between the Middle East and Asia; the Study of Middle East “Terrorism”, Rethinking “Orientalism,” and New Frontiers in Middle East Research

Session II, “The Middle East in 2013: On the Brink” will bring together the visiting scholars with their MEI counterparts to examine current realities in this turbulent region. The survey will include the social, economic, intellectual, and political crises, as well as a discussion of the new prominence of political Islam.

Registration for each session is required as places are limited. We look forward to welcoming you.

About the Speakers

Event Details

Middle East Institute (Seminar Room)
National University of Singapore
469A Bukit Timah Road
Tower Block Level 2 Singapore 259770

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