MEI Political-Economy Cluster: The Development of Islamic Administration: The Documents

(This event is organized by MEI’s Political Economy Research Cluster, as part of its monthly seminar series.)

How did the Islamic State’s governing system develop over time as the organization expanded its territorial control? How has the system changed or developed in response to the coalition campaign against it? This talk will explore these questions through the use of internal Islamic State documents obtained through open source and private contacts primarily in Syria.

About the Speakers
Mr Aymenn Al-Tamimi (via Video Conference) Research Fellow Middle East Forum, US

Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi is a research fellow at the Middle East Forum, a U.S.-based think-tank, where he runs the Jihad-Intel project that tracks jihadist groups and their use of symbols on social media. His research also focuses on the wider conflicts in Syria and Iraq, including the archiving and translation of hundreds of internal Islamic State documents and fieldwork in both countries. He has been widely quoted in media outlets for his insights, including the New York Times, the Guardian, AFP, AP and other newspapers and channels.”

Event Details

MEI Seminar Room, Level 7 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Block B #06-06 Singapore 119620

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