MEI Political Economy Cluster Seminar: Space Science and Politics in the Middle East

An academic discussion organised by MEI’s Political Economy Research Cluster.



Middle Eastern astronomical discoveries and cosmopolitanism are commonly and romantically considered features of past eras. In contrast to these views, Determann argues that Arabs have contributed to space exploration and cosmopolitan identities to the present day. Using cutting-edge telescopes and engaging in international collaborations, astronomers from Algeria to Qatar have made important discoveries and named new celestial bodies. Looking at Earth from American and Soviet spacecraft, a Saudi astronaut and a Syrian cosmonaut also began to see our planet without national boundaries. However, rather than being hampered by nationalism, transnational collaborations in the fields of space science partly depended on funding by national governments in search of development, prestige and security.

About the Speakers
Asst Prof Matthias Determann Liberal Arts and Sciences Program Virginia Commonwealth University (Qatar)

Jörg Matthias Determann is an assistant professor of history in the Liberal Arts and Sciences Program at Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar. His work has focused on global history in general, as well as the history of science and scholarship in Muslim-majority countries. His recent works include Researching Biology and Evolution in the Gulf States: Networks of Science in the Middle East (I.B.Tauris, 2015) and Historiography in Saudi Arabia: Globalization and the State in the Middle East (I.B.Tauris, 2014).

Event Details

MEI Seminar Room, Level 7 Blk B, 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119620

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