Islamic Finance Workshop: Regional Perspectives

Islamic Finance Workshop: Regional Perspectives
Singapore, 16 & 17 February 2016


The NUS Middle East Institute is extremely pleased to host our first Islamic Finance multi-panel event. The purpose of this workshop is to examine the experiences of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore in introducing Islamic finance to the region and how each may contribute to ever-closer cooperation and sustainable development in the context of ASEAN’s plans for financial integration.

Papers presented will be addressing key issues in Islamic finance as well as analyzing efforts to encourage Islamic finance. Panelists include senior level officers and academicians in the banking and finance sector.  Panel topics that will be discussed at the workshop are as follows:

•  Financial Inclusion and Issues of Sharia Governance
• Are Islamic banks really Islamic?
• Deposits and Insurance in Islamic finance
• IDRS and AAOIFI (accounting standards) in Malaysia and Indonesia
• Sukuk
•  Regional Developments


We are extremely honoured to confirm that Mr Daud Vicary Abdullah, President and CEO of International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) will facilitate a discussion on regional developments in the final panel. Please click HERE  to see the draft programme of the one and a half day workshop.



Attendance is free via compulsory registration. Seats are extremely limited so do register early to avoid disappointment.


About the Speakers

Event Details

Village Hotel Bugis Victoria Street, Singapore

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