Islam and Politics in the Middle East: Mapping and Explaining the Views of Ordinary Citizens


Some of the most pressing and contested questions in the political life of Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and North Africa revolve around the proper place of Islamic institutions and authorities in governance and political affairs. Drawing on data from 42 nationally representative political attitude surveys carried out in fifteen countries in the MENA region between 1988 and 2011, representing the views of more than 65,000 men and women, Mark Tessler will report on the investigation presented in his new book of the reasons that some individuals support a central role for Islam in government while others favor a separation of religion and politics.  The study formulates and tests hypotheses about the views held by ordinary citizens, offering insights into both individual-level and country-level factors that shape attitudes towardpolitical Islam.  Tessler’s study also investigates the degree to which those who disagree about the place that Islam should occupy in political affairs have differing views about democracy, gender relations, and other important political, social and cultural issues.  This body of research draws upon surveys conducted by the Arab Barometer Survey Project, which Tessler co-directs, and also his newly constructed “Carnegie Middle East Governance and Islam Dataset.”  These data have been placed in the public domain for use by other researchers.

About the Speakers
Professor Mark Tessler
Political Science Department
University of Michigan

MARK TESSLER is Samuel J. Eldersveld Collegiate Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan.  Professor Tessler has conducted research in Tunisia, Israel, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, and Palestine.  His areas of specialization include public opinion in the Arab world and he is the co-director of the Arab Democracy Barometer Survey Project, which has carried out 29 surveys in fourteen Arab countries over three waves.  Professor Tessler is the author, coauthor, or editor of fourteen books.  These include Public Opinion in the Middle East: Survey Research and the Political Orientations of Ordinary Citizens (2011); and his new book, supported by a Carnegie Islamic Scholar award, entitled Islam and Politics in the Middle East: Explaining the Views of Ordinary Citizens. Among his earlier books are Islam, Democracy and the State in Algeria (2005); and Area Studies and Social Science: Strategies for Understanding Middle East Politics (1999).  Prof. Tessler has also conducted research and written extensively on the Israel–Palestine conflict.   He is the author of A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2009, 2nd edition), which has won national awards.

Event Details

MEI Seminar Room 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Block B #06-06, Singapore 119620

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