Invention or Rediscovery? The Emergence of Sunni Identity in the 21st Century

MEI Political Economy Research Cluster proudly presents

 Invention or Rediscovery? The Emergence of Sunni Identity in the 21st Century

(a full-day international annual workshop)


This full-day event explores some of the manifestations of Sunni identity in the 21st century. What was the broader context within which this shift in self-perception took place? What were its ideological drivers? Was it driven from above or below? What were some of the cumulative processes, transnational transferences, local dynamics and critical moments that turned ‘Muslims’ into ‘Sunni-Muslims’? These are some of the themes that will be addressed at the conference that may help us understand and contextualise the emergence and relevance of Sunni identity in the 21st century. It will cover thematic and geographic case studies and will look at the 20th century antecedents of Sunni sectarian self-awareness as much as the sectarian entrenchment and polarization of the 21st. A draft programme containing the list of speakers and their paper titles can be accessed HERE.

About the Speakers

Workshop Convenor

Dr Fanar Haddad

Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore

Event Details

MEI Conference Room, Level 6 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Block B #06-06 Singapore 119620

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