From the UAE to Azerbaijan: COP 29 Expectations and Challenges



This event is held in collaboration with the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Singapore. 


Azerbaijan will host the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in November 2024. The conference will pick up where COP28 left off: The completion of the first global stocktake, the consensus to “transition away” from fossil fuels, and agreements for a massive expansion of clean energy, among others.

While COP meetings have made significant strides in forging consensus in major areas — mitigation, adaptation, and finance — the pace of implementation is too slow to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change.

This webinar, hosted in collaboration with the UAE Embassy in Singapore, aims to discuss the key outcomes of COP 28, expectations for COP 29, and whether it will further advance the UAE-led consensus on finance and fossil fuels. It also aims to shed light on the persistent gap between COP outcomes and their implementation. Featuring examples from Singapore and the UAE, it will explore how countries can benefit from multilateral platforms to translate international climate agreements into meaningful national policies.

This event will be conducted online via Zoom, on 22 October 2024, 3.00pm to 4.30pm SGT. All are welcome to participate. This event is free, however, registration is compulsory. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom details closer to the date of the event.


Photo credit: NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 24: H.E. Mukhtar Babayev, President, COP29 speaks at the Global Renewables Summit, co-hosted by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Global Renewables Alliance on September 24, 2024 in New York City. Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Bloomberg Philanthropies/AFP (Photo by Bryan Bedder / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)

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About the Speakers
Ms Thureya Alali
Team Lead Global Stocktake – Negotiations
COP 28 Committee, UAE

Thureya Alali is the team lead negotiator on the Global Stocktake, which formed the key outcome of the UAE Consensus at COP28 held in Dubai. She studied law at the University of Edinburgh and Sciences Po Paris, with a focus on public international law. She focuses on conservation projects and is a member of the UAE climate club community that organises various climate projects in the UAE.

Mr Peter Govindasamy
Director-General (Climate Negotiations)
Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry

Peter Govindasamy is Director-General (Climate Negotiations) in the Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry.  He has concurrent appointments as the Chief Negotiator for the Pacific Alliance-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (PASFTA) and Dean (MTI Academy).   In 2023, he was a Senior Adviser to the UAE’s Presidency of COP28. Earlier, at the request of the UK Presidency, he co-facilitated the Ministerial Decision on the Impacts of Response Measures during COP26 in Glasgow.  Most recently in June 2024, Peter co-chaired the negotiating track pertaining to the interlinkages between the UNFCCC’s Technology and Finance Mechanisms. He is scheduled to co-chair this negotiating track during COP29 in Baku in Nov 2024.  He was also the co-Chair and member of the Katowice Committee of Experts on Response Measures since its establishment in 2018.

Peter is additionally an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies (Singapore), and a Member of the Remaking the Global Trade Project (by Yale University and Fletcher School of Diplomacy and Law) and Member of the World Economic Forum Climate Trade Zero initiative.  He is also a member of the ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism Panel.

Further to environment, energy, and sustainable development matters, Peter has extensive experience in international relations, and international trade and investment negotiations.   Earlier in his career, he was lead negotiator in a variety of areas such as trade in services, trade in goods,    investment, and government procurement. As Director of MTI’s International Trade Cluster (2009 to 2019), he oversaw Singapore’s engagement at the WTO, Ministerial Conferences, and concluded Investment Guarantee Agreements with Iran and Colombia, and the FTA with the GCC. He has also chaired the ASEAN-India FTA (services) negotiations.

Peter had two stints at the Singapore Permanent Mission in Geneva, as First Secretary (1995-98) and Counsellor (2003-09). In addition to UN and WTO matters, Peter handled issues pertaining to Singapore’s bilateral relations with Italy and the Vatican.  Peter chaired the negotiations on Domestic Regulations in the context of the Doha Round from 2005 to 2009. The text he circulated served as a basis for Joint Statement Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation in Dec 2021.

Prior to joining MTI, Peter worked at the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  At the Foreign Ministry, he handled matters pertaining to the European Union, the Benelux countries, Denmark, Italy and the Vatican, and multilateral issues relating to the UN, IAEA, ILO, WHO, WIPO and WTO.

Peter holds a LLM (with Distinction) in international commercial law from the University of Nottingham on the Raffles-Chevening Scholarship.

Peter was awarded the Public Administration medal (Silver) in August 2021 for contributions made to Singapore in international negotiations.

[Moderator] Dr Aisha Al-Sarihi
Research Fellow
Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore

Dr Aisha Al-Sarihi is a research fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute. Dr Al-Sarihi’s areas of research expertise and interest include clean energy policy and climate economics, policies and governance, with a focus on the Arab region. Following her PhD,  she was a research officer at the London School of Economics and Political Science’s Middle East Centre. She was also a former visiting scholar at Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington and Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies. Before joining MEI, Dr Al-Sarihi was a research associate in the Climate and Environment Program at King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC). She holds a PhD from the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London and a MSc and a BSc, with distinction, in environmental science from Sultan Qaboos University.

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