
The UAE has signed a 123 treaty with the US, allowing the UAE to get Korean-US based technology. The treaty puts extensive restrictions on the UAE obtaining technology and forbids all reprocessing. The Saudis are most unlikely to do seek a similar treaty. The Saudis want to control technology and have the ability to reprocess their Uranium or Jordanian Uranium, to have technology as advanced as Iran. Hence, the Saudis will have to deal with France, Russia or China and may well choose China. Naturally, the political implication of such development would be most important and create major challenges to the US and the traditional political order of the Gulf.

About the Speakers
Professor Jean-François Seznec McDonough School of Business Georgetown University

Jean-François Seznec is an adjunct professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. Prior to May 2012, he was Visiting Associate Professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Con temporary Arab Studies. Dr. Seznec has 25 years experience in international banking and finance of which ten years were spent in the Middle East, including two years in Riyadh at SIDF and six years in Bahrain covering Saudi Arabia. Dr. Seznec is a founding member and Managing Partner of the Lafayette Group LLC, a US based boutique consulting company. He uses his knowledge of business in the Middle East and the United States to further his analysis of the Arab-Persian Gulf. His research centers on the influence of the Arab-Persian Gulf political and social variables on the financial and oil markets in the region. He is focusing on the industrialization of the Gulf and in particular the growth of the petrochemical industry.

Event Details

Middle East Institute (Seminar Room)
Tower Block Level 2, Bukit Timah Campus
National University of Singapore
469A Bukit Timah Road, Singapore

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