Changing Geopolitics and the Emerging Order of the Middle East: Challenges Ahead, What the Future Holds

Conference Synopsis

The NUS Middle East Institute was extremely pleased to work alongside the Istanbul Policy Center and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in jointly-organizing an international conference on Thursday, 12th January 2017 at the MEI Conference Room. The full-day roundtable conference was entitled “Changing Geopolitics and the Emerging Order of the Middle East: Challenges Ahead, What the Future Holds” and saw the participation of experts from across the globe from Turkey to Malaysia to Japan. In the context of the contemporary developments of the Middle East, the conference speakers and invited discussants deliberated and analyzed the role of the Gulf, the shifting geopolitical strategies of particular nations, as well as the evolution of a new regional order at the macro level.

The conference was divided into three separate panels under the following topics:

Panel I: Gulf Moment in the Middle East: Assessment and Prospects

Panel II: Shifting Alliances in the Middle East

Panel III: Unfolding Emerging non-Westphalian Regional Order in the Middle East

The conference was funded by an initiative under Sasakawa Foundation’s Middle East Islam Fund (SMEIF).

Click HERE to access draft program.

About the Speakers

Event Details

MEI Conference Room, Level 6 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Block B #06-06 Singapore 119620

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