Here and Now: Arabs in Singapore – Closing Haflah

(This event was organised by The Arab Network @ Singapore and supported by Middle East Institute, NUS.) 

Come and immerse yourself in the rhythmic, melodious and infectiously hip-swaying performances of Hadrami music from the Southeast Asian region. Be transported across the Indian Ocean to the valleys of Hadramawt, through a musical journey that traces the evolution of music in the Arab community of Singapore from the 1800s to the present day.

This interactive music and dance haflah (“party” in Arabic) features professional musicians and dancers from the Arab community of this region. It is organised by the Arab Network @ Singapore, in conjunction with the exhibition Here and Now: Arabs in Singapore happening from 14th to 20th April 2019, at Gallery II of the same venue. For more information about the exhibition, please click here.

Seats to the performance are limited so contact Shaikhah @ 96508037 for tickets now.

Click on the photo below for more photos

About the Speakers

Event Details

The Chamber, Level 2,
The Arts House, Old Parliament Lane
Singapore 179429

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