[Transsystemic Law] The Legal and Practical Implications of the Saudi-Led Sanctions on Qatar

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(This event was organised by MEI’s Transsystemic Law Research Cluster, as part of its quarterly public talks series.)

About the Speakers
Professor Khawar Qureshi QC
Commercial and International Law
Serle Court London and
McNair Chambers Qatar

Professor Khawar Qureshi QC practices Commercial and International Law from Serle Court London and McNair Chambers Qatar (established 10 years as the first ever Barrister’s chambers outside the UK). He has been consistently regarded as one of the UK’s leading Commercial and International Law, as well as International Arbitration specialists. One of his main areas of practice is in the field of Investor/State and extractive industries arbitration, litigation and regulatory matters.

Professor Qureshi QC has appeared as Counsel in many high value arbitrations all over the world, including matters involving the LCIA/ICC/ICSID/UNCITRAL/SIAC/DIAC/LMAA rules.

Professor Qureshi QC was called to the English Bar in 1990 and was one of around 20 (out of 10,000 Barristers) UK Government “A” Panel Treasury Counsel from 1999-2006, during which time he advised and represented the UK Government on hundreds of high profile matters. Professor Qureshi QC has also appeared or advised on complex commercial and international law matters for or against around 70 States, including the USA, Russia, India, Pakistan, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Qatar, Argentina and Italy.

He was Vice-Chairman of the English Bar Council International Committee until 2010 and thereafter was Chairman of TheCityUK Legal Services Group until 2015. He was appointed as a Deputy High Court Judge in 2013 and elected as a Bencher of Middle Temple in 2014.

Professor Qureshi QC has taught Public International Law at Kings College/LSE London, Commercial Law at Cambridge University and was appointed a Visiting Professor in Commercial Law at London University 2008. He was the youngest advocate to appear before the International Court of Justice in 1993 in the “Genocide” case between Bosnia and Serbia/Montenegro. He is also presently Counsel before the ICJ in the “Jadhav spy case”.

Professor Qureshi QC’s book Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice has just been published by Wildys London as part of his Legal Handbook Series which includes three highly praised practitioner guides on PIL before the English Courts, Bi-lateral Investment Treaties and Conflict of Interest in Arbitration.

Event Details

MEI Conference Room, Level 6
Block B, 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119620

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