India and the Gulf: Modi turns West

Through strategic, political and economic engagements, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been enhancing Indo-Gulf relations and making the Persian Gulf a key component in India’s growth story. Moving away from the traditional transactional approach, India is forging closer strategic partnership with key Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. While not prepared to interfere in the internal and intra-regional tensions and differences, Modi is trying to maximise India’s gains through its economy-development centric approach. At the same time, the absence of sustained political engagement with the region and the presence of third party interference pose severe challenges to India’s ability to manage its relations with the Iran and its Arab neighbours.

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About the Speakers
Professor P R Kumaraswamy
Centre for West Asian Studies
School of International Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi, India

Professor P R Kumaraswamy teaches contemporary Middle East in Jawaharlal Nehru
University in New Delhi, India, and is the author of India’s Israel Policy (Columbia University
Press, 2010) and Squaring the Circle: Mahatma Gandhi and the Jewish National Home
(2018). Professor Kumaraswamy is also the Honorary Director of the Middle East Institute in
New Delhi ( He is the co-author of India’s Saudi Policy: Bridging the Future
and Persian Gulf 2018: India’s Relations with the Region, both being published by Palgrave
in September 2018.

Event Details

ISAS Board Room, Level 9, Block B
29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119620

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