ISRAEL’S ELECTIONS: domestic and regional ramifications


Netanyahu’s right-wing alliance won a very narrow victory in the January 24th Israel Knesset elections. The party is on the brink of announcing a coalition government with eight other parties. Mr Yossi Alpher,  an expert in Israeli strategic issues, will comment on the voting public’s dramatic shift to the political center as well as the importance of domestic social and economic issues, the peace process, and the Iranian challenge in the elections. He will examine the interesting phenomenon of Yair Lapid’s Yes Atid party with an eye to the party’s chances of surviving Israel’s rough politics in the long run. Alpher will then analyze the current state of coalition and their implications. He will assess the dramatic Obama initiative to visit Israel in late March. He will also attempt to explore the chances of restarting a serious Israel-Palestinian peace process under the next Israeli government and in view of regional and international developments.

About the Speakers
Mr Yossi Alpher Former Intelligence Officer Israel Defense Force (LIVE via Video-Conference from Israel)

YOSSI (Joseph) ALPHER is a consultant and writer on Israel-related strategic issues. Until recently he was coeditor of the family of internet publications. Alpher served in the Israel Defense Forces as an Intelligence officer, followed by service in the Mossad.  From 1981 to 1995 he was associated with the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, ultimately serving as director of center. In July 2000 (during the Camp David talks) he served as Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Israel, concentrating on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. He is currently writing a book on Israel’s “periphery doctrine”.

Event Details

Middle East Institute (Seminar Room)
National University of Singapore
469A Bukit Timah Road
Tower Block Level 2 Singapore 259770

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