An Introduction to Samar Media, the First Arab Citizen Media


This introduction was conducted by Jana Jabbour, co-founder and shareholder of SAMAR Media, the first “Arab citizen media”, covering the political, cultural, and economic dynamics at work in the MENA region ( SAMAR Media has reached one million viewers and subscribers worldwide, and its video series have been broadcasted by Al Jazeera, France 24, and the websites of The Guardian and El Pais. SAMAR is a web media organization dedicated to the Arab world. It produces and broadcasts videos on the internet in Arabic, English and French and aims to make knowledge, arts and culture available to the widest possible audience. SAMAR’s main editorial goal is to address the realities and underlying dynamics that are reshaping the Arab region, rather than simply cover the most sensational stories. SAMAR also promotes a more positive image of the Arab region and its people through inspiring individuals and innovative projects.

Five interview clips published by SAMAR Media will be aired and discussed during this presentation which cover pressing topics including Arabs in West Africa, Arab uprising, Arab-Israeli issue and cartoonists in the Arab world. These videos have been watched by more than 1,000,000 viewers worldwide and can be found on its interactive video platform and on social media (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram).

About the Speakers
Jana Jabbour
Centre for International Research (CERI)
Sciences Po Paris

Jana Jabbour is a PhD in Political Science and International Relations. She is a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris, and a research associate at Centre de Recherches Internationales (CERI) and Institut de Recherches sur le Moyen-Orient (IREMMO), where her research and publications mostly focus on the MENA region’s political economy and international relations. She is also a co-founder of a research group on “Rising powers in the international system” whose aim is to examine the role of the BRICS and other rising middle powers in world governance.

Ms. Jabbour is an expert of contemporary Turkey. Her PhD (received from Sciences Po with summa cum laude distinction) focused on Turkey’s foreign policy in the Middle East under the Justice and Development Party and President Erdoğan’s rule. It will be published in 2016 at Press Universitaires de France (PUF), and translated into English, Arabic and Turkish.

In addition to her research work, Ms. Jabbour is an external consultant for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on issues related to Turkey. She is a regular guest speaker at various media outlets, including FRANCE 24, LCI, M6, RFI, and Radio Orient France, and a regulator news commentator for Le Figaro and The Huffington Post.

Ms. Jabbour is co-founder and shareholder of SAMAR Media, the first “Arab citizen media”, covering the political, cultural, and economic dynamics at work in the MENA region ( SAMAR Media has reached one million viewers and subscribers worldwide, and its video series have been broadcasted by Al Jazeera, France 24, and the websites of The Guardian and El Pais.

Ms. Jabbour was born in Lebanon and currently spends her time between Paris and Beirut. In addition to her PhD, she holds a dual MSc in International Political Economy and International Security from the London School of Economics (LSE), and a dual BA in Political Science from Johns Hopkins University and Sciences Po. She speaks five languages (Arabic, English, French, Spanish, and Turkish).

Event Details

MEI Seminar Room
29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Block B #06-06, Singapore 119620

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