Developing a Culture of Arab Investigative Journalism


Investigative journalism plays a vital role in the development of mature democracies. Yet, in the Arab region, the media have been mainly state-controlled, opinion pieces have been monitored, and investigative reporting has been regarded as threatening. Commercial media enterprises have sought to steer away from social and political issues and focus more on entertainment – an area that also yields larger financial returns. Arab journalism has traditionally followed set formulas, and even set linguistic news expressions. Journalism in the Arab world has not been re-vamped or challenged to date.

This lecture discussed the issues and challenges facing Arab journalism generally, and investigative journalism specifically; taking into consideration the cultural, social, political and economic conditions the region is undergoing. It looked into the various factors that played a role in the development of investigative journalism in the Arab world as a potential tool for the realisation of a deliberative public sphere, within conflict and post-conflict countries. It labelled forces of discursive power as shaping the formation of a culture of Arab investigative journalism, and which can be summed up as: levels of freedom of information, social pressures, culture of journalism, and the political instability of the region.

About the Speakers
Dr Saba Bebawi University of Technology Sydney

Saba Bebawi has published on media power, social media, and investigative journalism in the global South, including the role of media in democracy-building in conflict and post-conflict regions. She is author of Media Power and Global Television News: The role of Al Jazeera English, and Investigative Journalism in the Arab World: Issues and Challenges, in addition to co-editor of Social Media and the Politics of Reportage: The ‘Arab Spring’. She holds a PhD in International News from the University of Melbourne, an MA research in Media Policy from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), and an MA in Communications from Monash University.

Dr Bebawi has worked as a journalist since 1995. She was a broadcaster/producer for Radio Jordan English service for four years, and also worked on a contract basis for CNN, World New Events (USA), and Dubai TV. She has previously held academic positions at Monash University and Swinburne University in Australia, in addition to Zayed University in the UAE.

She is currently Senior Lecturer in Journalism at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in Australia and is project Director for the Foreign Correspondent study tour, funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. She is also a Swinburne University Adjunct Research Fellow.

Event Details

MEI Seminar Room 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Block B #06-06, Singapore 119620

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