MEI Arabia-Asia Cluster: Interconnections between the Islamic World and Champa, c.a. 7th-15th Centuries

(This event is organised by MEI’s Arabia-Asia Research Cluster, as part of its monthly seminar series.)

Abstract: Between the 7th and 15th century C.E., Arab and Persian traders played an active role in the Indian Ocean trade. These traders, as well as travellers, reached as far as the Chinese ports and on their way, Champa was a pre-port that they could anchor their ships and got drinking water and local goods to prepare for the trip ahead. This continuous contact was not merely commercial, but gradually covered the range of cultural exchange. Therefore, this research examines the interconnections between the Islamic World and Champa from 7th to 15th century with the focus on the role of maritime trade and Persian, Arab merchants and the impact of these exchanges on the economic, political and cultural development of Champa.

Based on textual resources such as travel logs, geographical books written by Arab and Persian seafarers, Chinese travelers; Chinese dynastic histories; Cham and Malay historical writings, as well as newly-excavated archeological findings such as shipwrecks, Cham inscriptions, we hope to be able to reconstruct the interconnections between the Islamic World and Champa with an insightful and comprehensive view. Despite the fragmentary of sources, these sources offer information about distances between coastal towns and the dangers travellers might face along sea routes passing Champa. Concurrently, they also provide us with information about local people and customs, local commodities and international exchanges as well as the presence of Muslim traders and Islam in Champa. Besides, some place names in these accounts such as Sanf/ Sanaf (صنف), Kundrang (کردنج/کدرنج), Sundur Fulat (صندر فولات), Tawalesi (توالسي) will also be discussed with the hope for the most suitable and reasonable places in reality which in turn contribute to the understanding of some confusing matters in research on Champa.

About the Speakers
Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Huyen PhD Candidate History Department National University of Singapore

Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Huyen is a PhD Candidate in the History Department, National University of Singapore. In 2015, she received the Harvard – Yenching Institute – NUS Joint Scholarship. Ms. Pham graduated with a B.A from Vietnam National University, Hanoi and gained her master’s degree from Alzahra University in Iran in 2011. Her M.A thesis was on the role of America in the relationship of Iran and Vietnam from 1953 to 1979. Before coming to NUS, she also worked as a lecturer in the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University.

Event Details

MEI Seminar Room, Level 7 Block B, 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119620

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