Postdoc Fanar Haddad in the News

This past month, MEI Postdoctoral Research Fellow Fanar Haddad appeared on an Iraqi talk show, spoke on a panel at Chatham House, and penned an article for Foreign Policymagazine’s Middle East Channel. On the political show Bil Harf al Wahid on Iraq’s Al Rasheed TV on March 4, Haddad spoke on sectarian discourse on Facebook, noting that it reflects a very real and rapidly expanding phenomenon in Middle Eastern society—at least in the Mashriq. (Haddad’s segment begins at around 52:00.) At Chatham House on March 19, he appeared on a panel that focused on Iraq’s political systems for the organization’s “Iraq Ten Years On” conference. Finally, on March 26 he published the article, “Iraq’s Sectarian Inheritance” in Foreign Policy in which heexplored “some of the pre-war factors that made sectarian identity a likely feature of the [country’s] post-2003 era.” MEI congratulates Dr. Haddad on his appearances and writings!