About MEI

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Welcome to the Middle East Institute

The Middle East Institute (MEI), which was founded in 2007, is an autonomous research institute within the National University of Singapore (NUS). From its vantage point in Singapore, a crossroads of the world, MEI exists to advance understanding of the Middle East, and to deepen engagements between the Middle East and Asia. We do this through research, and aim to provide reasoned views to scholars, students, policymakers, businesses and the public through publications, lectures, consultations and outreach. We host speakers and visitors from and on the Middle East, and serve as a concourse for exchanging ideas and information on the Middle East in Singapore, Asia and the world.

The Middle East is also known as West Asia. West Asia, South Asia and East Asia meet in Southeast Asia. They were principals and partners in the historic maritime Silk Roads, intermeshed in webs of trade, religion, kinship, friendship and mutual recognition. Southeast Asia is profoundly shaped by this lasting engagement. We stand at the cusp of its historic revitalisation today, and feel a sense of responsibility to help inform its future course. West Asians have always had homes elsewhere in Asia. We want to make that a reality again today.

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